Curzon Ashton Updates

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Johnny Bud
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Re: Curzon Ashton Updates

Post by Johnny Bud » 17 Feb 2015, 21:39

Full time 0.0

Johnny Bud
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Re: Curzon Ashton Updates

Post by Johnny Bud » 17 Feb 2015, 22:12

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Re: Curzon Ashton Updates

Post by juanillo » 17 Feb 2015, 22:37

Another clean sheet from the defence, and there was certainly no shortage of endeavour and effort, but in the end, the required quality to win the game was lacking from both teams tonight. It looked like a goalless draw from early on and neither keeper was really called upon to make a save of note.

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Re: Curzon Ashton Updates

Post by wednesburystokie » 17 Feb 2015, 23:05

Forde was sorely missed tonight, lets hope we can get him back for Saturday.

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Re: Curzon Ashton Updates

Post by dalevillain » 18 Feb 2015, 01:12

Well first things first, it was great for me on a personal viewpoint to be back at The Grove tonight for the first time since late November after what was almost a 3 month 'sabbatical!' Needless to say it wasn't the best of games to return to but still nice to catch up with a number of folk I haven't seen in a while with my only time in between of watching the Yeltz being the big 'ding dong derby' with them lot down the road on Boxing Day!

Anyway about tonight's game, plenty of endeavour, effort and commitment shown by the lads as always so no complaints in that part. Maybe we lacked that bit extra in the final third, and as mentioned previously, Forde was a big loss in the centre of the park which meant we had to revert to the 'hoof ball' tactics at times.

I give Curzon Ashton credit though as I thought they were a good side, very well organised and no doubt they were the better team in the first half and possibly shaded the game overall. I think if there was a team who deserved to win it tonight it was probably them.

However credit to our lads for once again digging deep. The defence was solid and Curtis Tilt was the main candidate for MOTM. I think if that was a game played towards the start of the season we probably would have lost it but it shows character when you can grind out a result even when you're not at your best.

Overall, a point is not a bad result and we've reached the magical '50 point' mark so we should, in theory have survived relegation now!

Until next time, Up the Yeltz and hopefully my next visit to the home of non-league football is not as long as the last one!


Re: Curzon Ashton Updates

Post by Pantverdant » 18 Feb 2015, 04:07

Also my first visit to the spiritual home of the men with St.John the Baptist's Church on their badge in over
2 years.,as my elderly mother approves of my visits to B6 but draws the line at my irregular visits to the Grove
(understandably as she has only lived in Halesowen for 60 years and still regards herself as from'across
the werter').
I digress,the match tonight was a real blood and thunder physical affair better suited to the 'bullying'
qualities of Iyesden Christie than the lightweight silky skills of Ben Haseley who appeared to struggle
in the weightier challenges of the Curzon Ashton defence.I thought the No.3 on the left side of Yeltz's midfield
had a very sound game after a shaky start and would have been my choice of man of the match.
The officials had a very fair and on the whole good game with the bookings warranted and the const
ant carping of the home crowd, and some of the away players, who at one point ganged up on him five to one
for one of the few bad decisions in the game.
Curzon had the best of the chances; and other than a header which should have hit the target Yeltz had few
clear cut opportunities.The highlight of the game was a speculative dipping effort from a Curzon midfielder which cleared Sargeant's bar.
I expect Curzon Ashton to finish above us in the table but the goal for Halesowen for the season, has been
reached in mid February,any points we pick up from now to the end of May will be a bonus in the year of
I pray that my next visit to the Grove will not be so long down the line,God bless the good ship Yeltz
and all who sail in Her!

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Re: Curzon Ashton Updates

Post by BBNOW100 » 18 Feb 2015, 08:46

A clean sheet is always good and in my opinion a solid point against a very strong side. They were organized and their defence was strong.

Our back three were once again excellent, Curtis Tilt deserved MotM. But I though Tonks played well also, every ball he would be chasing down and putting a tackle in. But still, our midfield lacked that bite without Fordey and I think that goes to show how important Fordey is to our team.

Onwards and upwards!

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Re: Curzon Ashton Updates

Post by andy » 18 Feb 2015, 10:34

Pantverdant wrote: The officials had a very fair and on the whole good game with the bookings warranted and the const
ant carping of the home crowd, and some of the away players, who at one point ganged up on him five to one
for one of the few bad decisions in the game.
You're winding us up, surely?

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Re: Curzon Ashton Updates

Post by beastyyeltz » 18 Feb 2015, 11:32

Wasn't the most enjoyable match, I don't think we had a shot on target and I don't recall them having a decent chance. At the end of the day though, a point is a point against a good side. In my opinion we struggled to break them down, especially second half when they seemed to get every man behind the ball. Credit to them they were very well organised, we struggled to break them down because they defended very well. Despite how well both sides defended, neither side deserved to win as nobody looked like scoring. Curzon seemed quick on the counter but didn't offer much else going forward, we couldn't get behind them and seem to run out of ideas. But I'll settle for a draw, we're still unbeaten in 2015 so we can't complain :)

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Re: HTFC 0 V 0 Curzon Ashton 18/2/15

Post by BeautifulMelYeltz » 18 Feb 2015, 13:49

A very tough, hard worked for point last night, well deserved, Curzon Ashton well organised with two banks of four a well drilled side. Few chances overall, a case of staying combative throughout the game.
MOTM well deserved. they had done their homework re Iyseden and Ben10. :D :D :D

Have to say the ref Mr Fox was a little bit baffling to say the least, ok a very combative game, seem the refs in this league find it really difficult to commit to a good level of decision making, still onwards and upwards. ;) ;)

The 50 points reach, next up away to Nantwich, great to see Nantwich, FC United, Whitby Town coaches are full, well done Sheila's Wheels, away support is absolutely fantastic, though can always welcome more please. :D :D

Yeltzs men and women keep the following at its highest levels..... so so Beautiful. ;D ;D ;D

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