Boldmere Updates

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Re: Boldmere Updates

Post by Yeltzbaby » 13 Oct 2022, 22:40

Don't take offence from this but I have to ask. Quite a few times in the past when someone posts for the first time and are doing so in defence of the players, they have been a relation or friend. As I say, if not please don't take offence. By your own admission there was a lot of discontent amongst the fans last night so it doesn't seem to be only the 'small percentage of fans who post on social media'. Don't get me wrong, I hope your optimism proves to be right, but at this moment in time I don't feel we are good enough. By quite a way.

Hi Andy,

Not sure how to reply and copy your quotes (above anyway hope this worked)

No offence taken, and no I am not a relative or friend of any players, I dont know any of them personally, only when I see them play. Although if I was not sure of the relevance in making my personal opinion any less valid - I am a fan as stated.

I guess I am just a bit tired of what i class as this modern-day attitude - which seems to be if your team isnt battering everyone in sight week in week out, then it aint good enough - I have to say I am absolutely flabbergasted by what do seem very negative posts towards the side when they are top of the league. Fans mention yer but we have lost 4 and we haven't beaten a top side yet and this and that, honestly, I find it a bit cringe. As I said if i was a player and read all that, then honestly I wouldn't know what to think. We will NOT win every week, we will NOT play well every week, thats a fact. No side in the history of football has ever done that.

Yes, improvements can always be made but honestly some of the sh!t I have heard and read about our current side is utter madness. I honestly don't know what fans want? Memories in football seem so short nowadays, not so long ago all Halesowen fans would have given their right arms to be where we are now and what we have, but oh it just doesn't seem good enough. Not so long ago you could go to the Gove and be chuffed to see 200 there, the football was bang average, with no atmosphere and people would be chuffed to finish mid table or avoided relegation.

Corby at home Saturday - if we smash them - well we are once again the best team that ever played, the squad will have the perfect balance, we will have strength in depth, we dominate teams. If we lose - then lets rip it all up, the whole things falling apart and loads of things are wrong. Step back and most of the time neither are true and the truth lies somewhere in between, and in our current case, being top of the league, leans towards the former.

Anyway our top manager has now gone (we all see the reasons and wish him all the very best in his personal life) - how will be progress from here? I am sure we all agree and hope we carry on and build on what has been started and achieved as far

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Re: Boldmere Updates

Post by drummyb » 14 Oct 2022, 07:38

fairweatherfan wrote:
13 Oct 2022, 22:31
drummyb wrote:
13 Oct 2022, 19:34
I think we should just accept his decision and not turn it into a civil war. I truly understand both sides, but the man has left through grief. Lets respect that and not turn it into who said and did what.
Sensible comment in fairness. Just feel uncomfortable with people claiming it as vindication for their point of view.
Yeah. Id agree with that wholly.

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Re: Boldmere Updates

Post by andy » 14 Oct 2022, 14:40

Cheers for the reply Yeltzbaby. I am glad you didn't take any offence but over the years we have had people suddenly appear on the forum defending all and sundry that have turned out to be relatives. Equally I can respect them for doing just that, I was just curious. Your well thought out post has many good points but I think we differ in expectations. We DO have a good team and I do feel we should not be in this league year after year. I'm pretty sure the owners will feel the same. The set up, attendances, backing this club has, cannot miss this opportunity to rise through the leagues. I think many of us could just see the same pattern emerging and we cannot afford poor runs. And the manner of the run is concerning as well. It only take one other team to maintain consistency and we're possibly stuffed again. We HAVE to win this league. Any how welcome on board the debate!😁
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Re: Boldmere Updates

Post by Yeltzbaby » 14 Oct 2022, 21:45


No probs - I actually agree with everything you stated (almost lol). I consider my expectations for this season are probably the same as 99.9% of other fans - promotion is a must, and for the reasons you stated. I also share fellow fans frustration for maybe not quite achieving that aim over the past couple of seasons, for a multitude of reasons.

What I don't necessarily agree with is HOW 'WE' go about gaining our expectation of promotion. Emotions aside (I know that's hard when it comes to football) I don't think (IMO) pressing the 'over the top' panic button/self-destruct button EVERYTIME we lose (and we will lose even more games before the end of the season - shock/horror), is the right way of going about it, at least not at this stage of the season, and especially when we are top of the league' as guess what, doing that very thing only adds to the pressure, weight of responsibility, weight of expectation onto individual players and hence the team. Which in turn runs the risk of the side, no playing free flowing, positive, confident football we all want to see and no they are capable of.

Now think of the alternative - imagine we lost and both verbally and on media Halesowen fans gave an overwhelming voice of encouragement to the side, a voice that we are fully behind them, that we are truly in this together not just when we batter sides and win - what effect do you think that may have, a better one I would say.

Now I am not for one minute advocating blind noncritical support, and no one should express how they feel etc, but as I have stated a number of times on this thread, I think we as a collective) at present have that balance somewhat out of kilter - with our side TOP OF THE LEAGUE.

Something to think about - just putting it out there. I know what would motivate me more, imagine going to your boss at work, being 'Top' of your profession and being told it just aint good enough and you need to do this, that and the other better. I know how I would feel, and I suggest that being human just like us (oh yes they are lol) the players would feel very similar.

Anyway, looking forward to a positive result tomorrow, lets do it for 'the gaffer' Paul.

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Re: Boldmere Updates

Post by andy » 14 Oct 2022, 22:19

You may be right. But after all this is a forum where people must be able to freely have their say. Compared to many other clubs forums and certainly other social media platforms I feel this is a very informed site. Virtually all of what is written on here the players will know is the case already I assume. I genuinely feel we give great support to this team and I'm sure they know it, and I'm sure they have broad shoulders enough to understand our frustration when it goes wrong. It's all just part of football. It's why we love it, hate it, question it, celebrate it and cry into our beer over it until the day we die. And I wouldn't want it any other way.😁
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Re: Boldmere Updates

Post by Yeltzbaby » 14 Oct 2022, 22:31

And neither would I, world would be a very dull place if we all thought the same and we didn't have freedom of speech.

One thing I think all of us would agree on is for a win tomorrow.

If not then (for now at least) I guess the debate will continue :)

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