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Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 22:29
by Yeltz27
RobYeltz wrote:In answer to a couple of points raised above.

The TV tower for the benefit of Yeltz TV has been installed to improve the video quality that they produce. This has been done with no financial implication to the club (Or FOTG) and has been completed by arguably the largest growing scaffold company in the locality who wanted to support the club. It is another terrific link to a local business who are keen to support the club in other areas in the future.

As for the game itself, certainly one to forget and another disappointing performance after a series of poor results. With some tough games coming up we need a win at Corby.
It doesn't matter about the financial implications. Nobody said it does have any, but it just looks awful. And for somebody who is so bothered by the look of the ground you should be the first to complain. People can't stand there anymore. YeltzTV do an excellent job, but an extra 10 feet height makes no difference in reality. Stick a camera on top of the Harry Rudge.

And if it's yet another game to forget, and another poor performance, and we need a win at Corby yourself (because you are being mugged off as well by this nonsense) and everybody a favour and say we need a change of manager

Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 22:52
by RobYeltz
Yeltz27 wrote:
RobYeltz wrote:In answer to a couple of points raised above.

The TV tower for the benefit of Yeltz TV has been installed to improve the video quality that they produce. This has been done with no financial implication to the club (Or FOTG) and has been completed by arguably the largest growing scaffold company in the locality who wanted to support the club. It is another terrific link to a local business who are keen to support the club in other areas in the future.

As for the game itself, certainly one to forget and another disappointing performance after a series of poor results. With some tough games coming up we need a win at Corby.
It doesn't matter about the financial implications. Nobody said it does have any, but it just looks awful. And for somebody who is so bothered by the look of the ground you should be the first to complain. People can't stand there anymore. YeltzTV do an excellent job, but an extra 10 feet height makes no difference in reality. Stick a camera on top of the Harry Rudge.

And if it's yet another game to forget, and another poor performance, and we need a win at Corby yourself (because you are being mugged off as well by this nonsense) and everybody a favour and say we need a change of manager
If you check back in the thread it was commented on as not being a priority. My response was to that.

People CAN still stand there, and the higher vantage point helps the quality of video and makes it easier to film - not my opinion but the Yeltz TV lads who are far more knowledgeable than I. 'Sticking a camera' on the Harry Rudge stand simply wasn't possible nor viable. We did consider it, but after speaking to the scaffolding company it wasn't feasible. All of these things were considered before it was erected but as ever, we took on the advice of people who knew what they were doing

Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 22:59
by Yeltz27
But it's not a priority is it, like LLL says. The YeltzTV coverage has been absolutely fine without it. It makes a marginal difference. LLL raises the point about the pitch not being a priority. You never answer that except to say 'that's not under our remit'. In the old days people used to help with the pitch and the ground. Just like people used to be able to buy programmes at the Edward end before the programme shed went up. The pitch is the ground surely? So you choose one part of LLL post and don't answer the other bit

Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 23:02
by wednesburystokie
Got to say first of all today was a terrible game, in my opinion, and certainly not one of those that is going to stick in my memory, or anyone else's I would imagine.

Simply not good enough.

Also and i don't know how to put this into twinkly words so i might as well come out and say it.

There seem to be a certain minority of people who have a beef with the match day volunteers within the club.

These people seem to thing we are some sort of Svengali figures looking to take gain from what we do.

Firstly we are not any members of a committee, we are volunteers, as I am aware some of you were before, so, we do not have an agenda, do not have a particular love or hate of either the Owner or the Manager, what we do is not for self profit or gain, not so i can see Dave Hawley and my picture on a website, it's to help the club function on a matchday, a Club that I personally had no affinity to until 2 years ago.

A minority of people seem to think that because we volunteer to be there on a matchday we must be privy to information regarding the running of the club, I wish we knew more than we do at times to be honest, but that's the way it is.

As previously mentioned I'm aware some of you have volunteered at the Club before, so those of you must know what it's like, and must appreciate how frustrating it gets at times when all your best efforts get picked apart by a certain number of fans, I know that certain fans have a personal grievance against certain matchday volunteers and nothing we do sometimes will be enough.

On a personal level I enjoy what I do, updating the website with a few others, doing the social media side, so my involvement is there, I hope for the benefit of fans, but if someone could bring more to the party than me, and show the club in a better light than I can i would more than happily step aside, because at the end of the day Isn't it the club that's more important than this, not ego's?

Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 23:08
by RaidenYeltz
Hopefully they (Yeltz TV) can show how poor we are?

I understand the tensions etc. And the need for change, which ultimatey needs to start with the very top. But a change needs to happen on the pitch.

Rob, it's very interesting that you address matters on the pitch as ''not good enough"

I find this interesting, as a self confessed advocate of Mr John, you (along with Mr John himself) have both said 'we should be competing for a play off place.'

Clearly this isn't happening.

IMO, and many others, as per your opinion and in John's relevant interviews (with Yeltz TV), this is a squad capable of competing for a play off place.

These views are in black and white and are on record... So you or Mr John cannot argue this forthcoming view...

Yet we are not. So by your judgement, and that of Mr John, Mr John is failing, is he not?

If someone is failing they should leave their job or be sacked, should they not?

We can't keep blaming referees or individual mistakes. We in essence need to blame the manger (we have a good squad, right?) lets have it out now and admit John Hill isn't the man.

Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 23:10
by Yeltz27
wednesburystokie wrote:Got to say first of all today was a terrible game, in my opinion, and certainly not one of those that is going to stick in my memory, or anyone else's I would imagine.

Simply not good enough.

Also and i don't know how to put this into twinkly words so i might as well come out and say it.

There seem to be a certain minority of people who have a beef with the match day volunteers within the club.

These people seem to thing we are some sort of Svengali figures looking to take gain from what we do.

Firstly we are not any members of a committee, we are volunteers, as I am aware some of you were before, so, we do not have an agenda, do not have a particular love or hate of either the Owner or the Manager, what we do is not for self profit or gain, not so i can see Dave Hawley and my picture on a website, it's to help the club function on a matchday, a Club that I personally had no affinity to until 2 years ago.

A minority of people seem to think that because we volunteer to be there on a matchday we must be privy to information regarding the running of the club, I wish we knew more than we do at times to be honest, but that's the way it is.

As previously mentioned I'm aware some of you have volunteered at the Club before, so those of you must know what it's like, and must appreciate how frustrating it gets at times when all your best efforts get picked apart by a certain number of fans, I know that certain fans have a personal grievance against certain matchday volunteers and nothing we do sometimes will be enough.

On a personal level I enjoy what I do, updating the website with a few others, doing the social media side, so my involvement is there, I hope for the benefit of fans, but if someone could bring more to the party than me, and show the club in a better like than I can i would more than happily step aside, because at the end of the day Isn't it the club that's more important than this, not ego's?
Dave, fair enough. But you have to take into consideration that if I told you 'I talk to JH virtually everyday on the phone' and then said 'in JH I trust' at the moment you would be thinking it's a bit off. If you aren't pulling strings, you don't need to be talking to JH everyday, especially if you aren't the chairman. You say volunteers, or do people like to feel important?

When one of you in the Yeltz Family start to acknowledge that John Hill isn't good enough I will start to take you seriously. Because everybody else except 5 or 6 people can see it now. Or maybe they see it but like being in the boardroom at Coalville for example and don't want change. I said in my first post, anybody that cares about Halesowen will have the bedsheets out at Corby with #HillOut. Sadly I'll be in China on Friday

Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 23:16
by wednesburystokie
Yeltz27 wrote:
wednesburystokie wrote:Got to say first of all today was a terrible game, in my opinion, and certainly not one of those that is going to stick in my memory, or anyone else's I would imagine.

Simply not good enough.

Also and i don't know how to put this into twinkly words so i might as well come out and say it.

There seem to be a certain minority of people who have a beef with the match day volunteers within the club.

These people seem to thing we are some sort of Svengali figures looking to take gain from what we do.

Firstly we are not any members of a committee, we are volunteers, as I am aware some of you were before, so, we do not have an agenda, do not have a particular love or hate of either the Owner or the Manager, what we do is not for self profit or gain, not so i can see Dave Hawley and my picture on a website, it's to help the club function on a matchday, a Club that I personally had no affinity to until 2 years ago.

A minority of people seem to think that because we volunteer to be there on a matchday we must be privy to information regarding the running of the club, I wish we knew more than we do at times to be honest, but that's the way it is.

As previously mentioned I'm aware some of you have volunteered at the Club before, so those of you must know what it's like, and must appreciate how frustrating it gets at times when all your best efforts get picked apart by a certain number of fans, I know that certain fans have a personal grievance against certain matchday volunteers and nothing we do sometimes will be enough.

On a personal level I enjoy what I do, updating the website with a few others, doing the social media side, so my involvement is there, I hope for the benefit of fans, but if someone could bring more to the party than me, and show the club in a better like than I can i would more than happily step aside, because at the end of the day Isn't it the club that's more important than this, not ego's?
Dave, fair enough. But you have to take into consideration that if I told you 'I talk to JH most virtually on the phone' and then said 'in JH I trust' at the moment you would be thinking it's a bit off. If you aren't pulling strings, you don't need to be talking to JH everyday, especially if you aren't the chairman. You say volunteers, or do people like to feel important?

When one of you in the Yeltz Family start to acknowledge that John Hill isn't good enough I will start to take you seriously. Because everybody else except 5 or 6 people can see it now. I said in my first post, anybody that cares about Halesowen will have the bedsheets out at Corby with #HillOut. Sadly I'll be in China
Ok, so in one of our chats, i've told you 100% my feelings on JH, so as you obviously consider me in that 'Yeltz Family' you now take us seriously.

Also, as you obviously care about Halesowen I expect to see you, bedsheet to hand at your next game.

Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 23:27
by Yeltz27
Ok Dave fine, but can one of the remaining Hill in brigade come on here and explain what he is actually doing that is good anymore

Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 23:30
by DanielRolinson
I don't usually comment on here as I find this forum to be absolutely toxic but as the subject of the TV tower has come up I feel inclined to share my views on it. I feel like if we were pushing the play offs or better there's no way there'd be any issues raised with this, however, here we are.

First of all, a couple of weeks after starting Yeltz TV (2014) the idea of a platform or tower for filming was mooted by myself, not much came of it but it was placed on a to do list. The moment was right to get it sorted this season and now we have it, it's an excellent view and if you know anything about video as few feet makes the world of difference. We also now look onto the HR stand which I feel is a nice touch.

I'd say it was fairly obvious that only 10 (?) days after the tower was erected it's safe to say it's a work in progress. Perhaps a lick of blue and white paint, or a few large Yeltz flags tied onto it would approve it's appearance. Personally speaking I'm not fussed how it looks, it's a tool for me to make a better video, simple as that. If I went to a game I'm there to watch the match, not get distracted by the look of a tower. Maybe raise an eyebrow, move on. As I said earlier, this wouldn't even have been raised if we were doing well, it's just something else to talk about.

As for not being able to stand there anymore I'd say it's quite the opposite. You can stand under it, next to it, even on top of it if you ask nicely. ;D
If my position at the ground when watching was that terrace I'd still be able to watch the game from under there and shelter from the rain and wind rather than moving into the Shed or HR, happy days!

I may be wrong on this but I also seem to remember people saying 'if only you could film from higher up', it makes it easier to see decisions, makes for better sound, stops people walking in front of the lens, knocking the tripod legs. It's a much improved area for Yeltz TV and I'm sure it'll be appreciated at some point.

Maybe less time talking about it and moaning about it online and asking 'can I help out with that' would be a better use of time. Until then, maybe it's another job to add to a long list for the Summer. That's enough rambling for now about scaffolding on a Boxing Day but I'm sure I'll have irked someone with something I've said, so feel free to ask away.


Re: Sutton Coldfield Updates

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 23:30
by RobYeltz
Yeltz27 wrote:But it's not a priority is it, like LLL says. The YeltzTV coverage has been absolutely fine without it. It makes a marginal difference. LLL raises the point about the p*t*h not being a priority. You never answer that except to say 'that's not under our remit'. In the old days people used to help with the p*t*h and the ground. Just like people used to be able to buy programmes at the Edward end before the programme shed went up. The p*t*h is the ground surely? So you choose one part of LLL post and don't answer the other bit
1 - As I've said previously on numerous occasions - the pitch is the responsibility of the club not FOTG. That said, those involved with the working parties have provided man power when required to help Ant. We've also purchased equipment to support Ant with his work on the pitch.

2. You can still buy programmes at the Stour end, we have a vendor selling them at/by the turnstiles. This is to make things easier for supporters and maximize income.

3. The TV tower isn't a priority, I agree - however things you may wish to consider it isn't finished yet and is very much a work in progress. Secondly, the plan originally was to have this completed in the summer but due to other circumstances meant it had to be delayed. If you would like to give me suggestions on areas of the ground that you feel do need prioritizing I'm more than willing to listen to your suggestions as I am any other fan.