
Scores, live updates, discussion etc. on Yeltz matches
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Re: Stamford

Post by dalevillain » 27 Aug 2015, 20:26

RaidenYeltz wrote:At the end of the day there's no right or wrong way to follow a club. Some just want to turn up pay on the gate and go. Some invest their own time and money in the club. Some just go to home games. Some go to all games. Some will go no matter what. Some only go when we win. Some want to be entertained and watch football and the result isn't necessarily the most important factor.

What ever the reason you pay your money or don't if you don't want to go. Either way the club needs that money and it's on par with this level. It's a fair and reasonable price.

To be brutally frank if people don't want to pay to watch the long ball tactics, I totally understand that. But it's not going to help the club in the long run - by voting with your feet. The football stands more chance of improving if gate receipts are good.

I fear people will stop going unless the on pitch performances improve. Which, when all said and done is understandable.
Amen to all that.....

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Laurel Lane Lamper
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Re: Stamford

Post by Laurel Lane Lamper » 27 Aug 2015, 20:28

RaidenYeltz wrote:
I fear people will stop going unless the on pitch performances improve. Which, when all said and done is understandable.
I haven't started going .... I wasn't sucked in by the Club's early season ticket offers and the closed season signings, alongside players departing, added to my disillusionment of the current state of our Club.
I won't be there Saturday, Sutton's pitch doesn't attract me to that match.
Darlington would be the latest for me to go to my first Yeltz league match for over 30 years.

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Re: Stamford

Post by RobYeltz » 27 Aug 2015, 21:20

Yeltz27 wrote:
andy wrote:To carry on from that, I'm so sure the gripe here is quality and not price that I'll throw this thought into the ring. If we were told that by paying £12 a game it would ASSURE us the title and good football our crowds would not drop at all. I know in the real world that promise would not be made, but if it was and it came to be, people would not even mention the cost of admission. We just want to spend our valuable time being entertained.
Absolutely spot on. What we are watching on the pitch at the moment is a complete waste of money. As I said last night, it's reckless what is going on. Yes we have to give to support the club, but they have to give back to us. Bang the ball long to your hearts content, but it's not doing the club any favours whether it's results or fans turning up

I don't know why but I find the keep bringing up the facilities slightly annoying. Dreadful toilets, poor bars etc are all part of the non league experience for me. It doesn't matter. Don't get me wrong, yes the James Grove is very nice, and brings in money at the bar, but give me more quality on the pitch over ground improvements any day
Dreadful toilets, poor bars may well be part of the non-league experience for you, but many people might turn up to a shit hole of a ground in total disrepair and think, "Sod that, I ain't going again." - Especially if they haven't been before. I'm not suggestion money should go on the facilities before the pitch, of course not. However the Friends of the Grove was set up to work alongside the club to improve the facilities. Looking after a football ground I guess is like looking after your house, if you don't keep it up to scratch or regularly maintain it, it'll cost you more in the long term. Looking after a ground like The Grove will also possibly attract better players to the club as well especially if we could keep our average crowd to over 500 or push up to 600 ever thought of that?
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